Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Progress

Here are some pictures to show you the progress. If you are unable to see them well, click or double click on them. They should enlarge. Then press the back arrow (left) to look at the others.

When you see it, you'll know what I'm talking about.

with Queen Size Bed
(My friend, Karen)

This room has a TV to watch movies.

I Got 'Em! I Finally Got 'Em!!

Just about any time you ride through CRR, deer will suddenly appear and run across the road, right in front of you. It's like they appear out of nowhere. This gets me almost as excited as when I get to see the river. The sad part is they appear and run away so fast, I never get a picture. That is...until THIS time. I rounded a corner, and THERE THEY WERE!!! I couldn't believe it. Luckily, my friend, Karen, was holding my camera so I was able to get it out and ready pretty soon. I rolled just a little bit closer to get a good angle above the side view mirror. It's like they just posed for me and held...except for one of them. He couldn't pull himself away from a little munch. 

I'm so excited I finally got them on camera. I felt almost like I had gotten a 10-point buck. (sigh) I may not get 'em again but I did THIS time. Just sayin'...


Saturday, February 18, 2012

More Exploring

Some of the pics are small and hard to see. If you are unable to see them well, click or double click on them. They should enlarge. Then press the back arrow (left) to look at the others.

The Rec Room and enclosed Olympic size pool is VERY close to our property. There were people inside swimming I took these pictures with the temps in the 30's and 40's. Pretty cool, I think. (Notice the hills in the backdrop of the right picture.) The pool is located to the back of the building (left pictures).

River Park is easily reached by going in at the Main Entrance. Just a great place to sit and relax, no camping.

This park doesn't seem to be marked with a name like all the others so I'm assuming it's the River Park. That's my brother, Sid.

Across the road from this park is the start of the walking trail. The trail runs along side a creek and seems to be very level. My kind of trail!! I'm not sure how far it is but you'll end up at the Fish Pond. Looks like a great place get out and take a stroll.

My brother, Sid met a man at the River Park who said the fishing is pretty good at East Park. It's a great tent camping park with lots of picnic tables and a great stretch a long the river. I love it!! The man we met said he has two brothers who live in Jacksonville. Small world, right?

My friend, Karen (top right) and Sid and Susan (bottom left).

NORTH PARK is probably the smallest camping park.

Fish Trap is the camping park with the suspension bridge. It is a great camping spot with a long stretch of the river. It's a great area with swings, etc. for the kids. The other parks have some as well. I just think this one is the most spacious. It also has a dumping station if you were camping in a trailer. Of course, all camping parks have pavilions and restrooms but they're locked until the season is open. This park is probably the most versatile having access to the river and the pool with the bridge.

I seem to always take pictures of the river. I am mesmerized by it.